
a 18 year old teen gaining control of her body... NO MATTER HOW LONG IT TAKES!

Sunday, March 26, 2006

Growing up

Back to blogger....

Let's see.................D.C. was absolutly fantastic! I loved it even more than ever and was able to take the metro out to the University of Maryland, which was amazing. It's a beautiful school, all green grass and lots of large old buildings. Dorms leave much to be desired, but what else could I possible expect?

I've also been to Temple and Rutgers in the last week, so now I only have Towson left to see, and I will probably go to U Maryland when I'm down there again! God, I can't beleive that I have to decide where I'm going to school w/in the next month!

Diet wise and march madness have not been as sucessful as i would like. Let's see, the first half of D.C. I was great with the good + lots of walking....then the last couple of days i ate a lot of candy and just not that great in general.....and then the last week that i've been home i've basically eaten whatever and everything i could possibly want. Part of it's stress w/ all this college stuff, other times its just frustration and boredom.

The good news is that with all this junk, i've only gained a pound. The bad news is that while i had lost some inches, i'm still basically sitting at the same weight that i've been at since.......oh i don't know, January?! In total, I've only dropped 6 pounds! This makes me very.........annoyed. It's like, while i know im not doing everything that i need to be doing to lose the weight, i still feel like im thinking about it all the time, and so my mind plays tricks on me and is like....wellllllll you're trying to lose weight, its just not working.

I know for a fact that it's because im not consistent. Sometimes i work out, lots of times i don't. I eat out too much, and im still eating too much crap in general.

I know that these last couple of months have been important b/c even though the scale hasn't been moving all that much, mentally, lots has been going on. I know what works for me, and what doesn't. I know it's a journey, not a race. I know this isn't a diet, but a lifestyle change. I know that i feel BETTER when i eat right and excercise, but most importantly, I know that just because today was bad, doesn't mean its over.

I need to set some realistic goals(timeline) and rewards.
I need to find a plan that works for me, and i need to dedicate some time to it.
I need to realize that in the long run, this extra time and effort is MORE than worth it.
I need to do this now, for myself and for no one else.

I'm determined to do this- do it the right way, and find myself. I'm growing up, i'm changing, and it's ok. It's time for me to move on- to leave my childhood behind, and start making some real decisions and take some real responsibilites.

Sometimes it scares me that i want this so badly. I don't want to fail- and i've given up on a lot of things in life b/c i refuse to fail. I'd rather not try than fail. But this time, I'm not leaving myself either option. It's going to happen- I just know it. Maybe it won't happen by the time I want it to, but it will happen one day soon. Not ten or twenty years from now, but one day soon.

Sunday, March 12, 2006


So tomorrow, bright and early, I will be in school at 6:30 a.m. for the coach bus to D.C.

I'm really excited! I went last year, but I didn't really know what to expect and didn't get to see everything that I wanted to. This time, my research is limited to one day (evil evil me :) ) and i am so planning to site see the rest of the week!

I have no way to excercise, but with all the walking we do, I'm not worried. Plus I didn't buy any snacks for the hotel room this time, and I am bringing a ton of water bottles with me b/c im cheap, and I'm looking foward to eating healthy all week.

I finally also bout a memory card for my camera so there will be pictures when i get back, if i can figure out how to upload them:)

Have a good week ladies...I'll be back Friday afternoon, but am going to Philly Saturday to look at schools, and am working Sunday morning, and will be exhausted Sunday afternoon, plus making up work at school all next week...I'm not exactly sure when I'll be back online, but don't worry, I will!

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Perfect day

I think I can honestly say that today was my first perfect day in over a month.


B: plain yogurt w/ cinnamon and strawberries

S:Cashews(kinda w/ breakfast tho lol i was really full)

L: Breaded chicken pieces (this was the only semi-bad thing)

S: Banana

D: 4 sm. turkey meatballs and a piece of chicken w/ a sliced tomato

I had 3 bottles of 17 oz water, a bottle of diet snapple iced tea, and a medium iced coffee w/ cream and splenda

NO SWEETS OR BREAD! I finally made it through a day without either of the evils. I feel like i can live with this...

Plus i had an amazinnnngggg workout, so im at 2 this wk with another planned for friday and saturday afternoon. Hopefully I will hit my goal of 4 this week.

I'm feeling good, and will be doing weigh in Sunday since im leaving monday for D.C. for the week :)

Sunday, March 05, 2006

3/4 and 3/5

After another drama filled day at work yesterday, i was really tired, but still definitly wanted to go to they gym. I'm glad i went, because it was a fantastic workout. Today, i went again, and had another good workout. The only thing im worried about is that i'll get too bored of doing the same things, and that my body will get too used to it. Plus, i feel like i never have a set routine b/c i always forget how many sets i do/how much weight i use.
While the workouts have been good since march madness started, and the food not bad, i'm not sure if im going to see a loss for this short week tomorrow morning. I'm still eating too much sweet stuff.
say la vi.

Friday, March 03, 2006

New sneakers :)

I went to DSW tonight with my mom, and we got lucky. They had just marked down everything on clearance, so i actually managed to get three adorable pairs of shoes. I got a pair of nice sneakers (w/ mesh for the summer) a pair of adorable flats that are pink and cream with a design that's way too hard to describe, and a pair of awesome chinese laundry sandals for $10. But....
I also got a pair of awesome comfy Adidas sneakers for $50. Not bad at all, and they will last for a long time. For some reason, i can't seem to remember the last time i bought real nice sneakers, which will probably mean never. I think the last couple of years i bought those nice kinds like pumas, ect to wear to school. Workout-esc ones were always from payless or something.
I was too tired to work out today and just kinda chilled out after school and made follow up calls for DC, and it was 5 by the time i was done so i did nothing. Food wasn't bad except for a cookies and cream bar and the frosting off a cupcake.....oh and two cookies. Ok, so it was bad. I swear to god, i can get rid of salt, bread for the most part, ect...but then i get this sweet tooth from nowhere! I've also realized that im getting a little worried b/c i never want to eat anything at home anymore. Not that I've ever really enjoyed my mom's cooking, but im never going to lose weight if i eat out every day, no matter how many salads i get. So i think im going to start making some food myself. Any suggestions?
I've decided that I'm going to take my stuff for the gym with me to work and go right from there. I'll be tired, but i want to make sure to get in two workouts since Wed. for this week, since March Madness started. Or else I'll really be disgusted with myself...
I'm determined to get back into full swing here folks. Mind over matter, one small step at a time.

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

March Madness!

So Snackiepoo and I have officially began March madness, and today is the day that i officially recommit myself! Today wasn't even that bad actually. I'd say that i was at about 80-85% good with food, AND im going to the gym in half an hour. I haven't worked out in 12 days (oh LORD) but that's never happening again. It was just a combination of me being away, busy, and TIRED. I'm really looking forward to starting again, especially because from here on in, i shouldn't have too much work going on school wise.
I need some help here with two things.
First: I need new gym sneakers. I have flat feet, so they can't have a super curve in them, or they will kill me. Also, i want cheap but good shoes that will last me for a while. I wear them to the gym and to work. Like, i don't want to spend more than 60$ on them, even less if possible (I'm telling you, im really cheap with all shoes, but i love 'em!)
Second: Lately, even though i haven't been excersicing as much, I AM eating better in general. I've completely cut out almost all cookies/gummy candy stuff/chips but now I LOVE chocolate. I was never this bad when i ate everything else, so i don't know why this started to happen. I have figured out though that if i have dark chocolate, i can't eat the entire thing, which is good.
I offically restarted today at 184.5. That's kinda what i've been fluctuating to between 181-192. However, i do feel like im more mentally prepared now then i was when i first started this.
The plan for the rest of the eat less, move more obv.
I'm working out tonight, tomorrow if work closes b/c of the weather, ill work out at home, and hopefully friday. Maybe saturday, but saturday is hard b/c work is a workout in itself.
Next week i will look to workout at least 4 times, which shouldn't be hard, b/c of state testing school starts really late tues-friday.
The week after THAT will be hard, as i'll be in DC mon-friday and looking at schools on Saturday. I won't be able to workout at all, so i will just have to CHUG water and really really really watch my food. I don't think it will be that bad though, and we walk EVERYWHERE. Hopefully i will just maintain.
Ok, off to get ready for the gym. I'm actually looking forward to it :)