
a 18 year old teen gaining control of her body... NO MATTER HOW LONG IT TAKES!

Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Never Really Gone...

Hey All, How is everyone doing?
Please don't think I've disappeared...I really haven't, I've been here all along reading and wishing you all the best and seeing you go through the ups and downs that we all have been facing. The truth is that college has been a much harder mental adjustment than I ever thought it would be mentally....It's been a really tough 2 months....but I'd like to think that I'm much stronger mentally and emotionally....I mean everything happens for a reason right?

I was 186 when I left for school and I'm sitting at 181 now...I've been there for a few weeks. To be truthful I've had absolutly no energy to care about food or excercise...but I'm not eating too badly...the dining hall here has a ton of options and great hours....I've barely been eating out at all which is good and even though everyone on my floor loves to order food at all random hours of the day, I've only ordered 3 or 4 times. It's not too bad...the only real problems with food here are portion control in the dining hall, eating too much dessert (ie pudding AND a piece of cake) and not drinking enough water/ more soda than I ever did b/c the water in the dining hall tastes like chlorine!! Eh......but I've been trying to drink seltzer in the dining hall now, so that's working a little bit...

Other than that.....I've finally started to adjust a little more, I'm not as homesick....I just wish I could meet some solid friends.....everyone here is nice.......but I'm a gemini and we really do get emotionally I feel like if I just made a few really good friends.....things would be alot better

I'm planning on starting a much better pattern in the next few days....So far today I ate some trail mix, a large salad at lunch w/ low cal dressing and not too much chicken on it...then a cone w/ 100 cal frozen yogurt on it.....

I've also been doing yoga and i did a 4 wk salsa class at the gym here at school....the awesome thing is that we have these really cheap classes (ie the salsa class was $5 for the whole month!) as soon as I stop making excuses and get my butt moving.....I think I'll be in good shape. Right now I've made a concrete goal and that is to be at 160 by the New Year. I'm making sure the holidays don't turn into an issue for me!

I'm so glad that I finally gave the mental energy to deal with all this again... I'll talk to you all're all in my thoughts!



  • At 5:02 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    That first semester of college is always so tough. And I can definitely remember how difficult the commons was to navigate, food wise. It was so hard to make decent choices when everyone at the table was going for dessert!

    And, I'm still convinced that my dining hall added lard to everything they cooked. I would always lose about 5 pounds overnight as soon as I stopped eating the food (like after the spring semester).

    Glad that you are surviving though!

    And enjoy it while you can. It goes soooo quickly! :)


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